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CHUBB 2" Strongroom Door
Burglary - Resistant Protection
Chubbsafes 2" Strongroom Doors are specially designed and contructed to resist against high speed drills, force and fire.
Product Feature:
- Door - Solid door slab with a protective thickness of 50mm (2") forms the basis of the door, which has an overall thickness of 165mm. Filled with a specially formulated Chubbsafes F80 barrier material reinforced with steel fibers provides resistant to high speed drilling, oxy-acetylene cuttings and jack attacks.
- Boltwork - Secured by 7 active front bolts, 2 active top bolts, 2 active bottom bolts and 7 passive back bolts. Each bolt has a diameter of 32mm.
- Locking - Secured with a single 3-wheel Keyless Combination Lock capable of 1,000,000 change codes and a 8-lever double bitted Key Lock as standard. Both Locks operated indepently of each other. Keylock is protected by Manganese Plate.
- Fire Resistance - Tested in accordance with BS476 Part 22:1987 FireTest on Building Material and Structures for 120 minutes fire resistant rating.
- Relocker - Keyless Combination Lock is protected by Glass Relocker. Any forced attempt to dislodge the locks would activate these secondary locking devices. This restricts the movement of the internal boltwork system. Relockers are further protected by drill resistant hard plates to serve as extra protection.
- Frame - The " wrapped around the wall " door frame is fabricated from steel sections, bent to form a single structure. Vestibule side frames at full height of the door are attached to the frame and grip the inside of the wall. This design provides stronger resistance against attacks to the door.
- Finish - The door comes standard with a painted grey primer based finish.